about me
Why hire me for your next project?
I am a person who is eager to take on new and exciting challenges. I'm a front-end developer. I build webpages and applications for the internet that are engaging, responsive and most importantly accessible.
One of my favorite passions is learning and acquiring new skill sets that I can apply into my life and career.
what I can do
services and solutions
project management
Managing and overseeing a range of projects, navigating them through the entire project life cycle.
front-end development
Developed responsive and accessible web solutions and applications using React, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, and Firebase.
production planning
Conduct forecasting, strategic planning, and precise execution of production orders within expansive manufacturing facilities.
I provide mentorship and oversight to teams involved in various operations, aligning organizational objectives with long-term goals through a strategic mindset.
Demonstrated proficiency in collaborating with clients, as well as in staging and photographing a diverse array of products tailored for online sales.
data analysis
Proficient in the systematic collection, organization, and analysis of diverse datasets, adeptly utilizing Excel, Google Sheets, Power BI, and JavaScript to showcase advanced skills in comprehensive data management.